I dance because I feel completely content and confident within my own body. I feel like it is a gateway to freedom from the real world. All of the stress, negativity and hardships that I face through life all are set free in the movement of my dancing. The exploration between a dancer and the moves are endless. I feel like when I am dancing I have a chance to tell a story in a way that is unique to myself and my own inspiration.
The pathways dance allows us to take are infinite. I hope to one day not only be able to create for myself but choreograph and give others the opportunity to explore the ideas I have. I hope dance continues to lead me in the direction of exploring an open mind and creative ideas. Dance is unique because there is an endless amount of learning and there is always room to grow. I find this refreshing because it is a healthy way to replenish the mind and body in a way that I am so fortunate to experience.