Composition Paper- Strengths as both a Choreographer and Mover
Strengths in Composition I found strengths when I recreated the movement material for the assignment “Designing movement sections based...
Final Composition Project
My composition final assignment was to make a piece doing whatever you want for three minutes. Now, some students may love this and...

Dance Analysis- Exploration of Elements
This phrase was created for an assignment given in a dance analysis course. The assignment was to choose two concepts that were learned...

One Hour Study
Examining the Benefits of a Proper Cardio Warm-Up for Dancers For my One Hour Study project I observed dancers in the dance department...

Moving Space
For our final assignment, we had the objective to pick a space located in Sullivant Hall and explore the space and the movement that can...

Elevator Exploration
Fot a project, Zoe Papa asked me to dance in an elevator for a dance film. Of course I knew dancing in a small space was going to be...

My First Documentary
For an assignment, I had to choose an interesting topic to document. I was stumbling across many ideas of what to film and who to...