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Moving Space

For our final assignment, we had the objective to pick a space located in Sullivant Hall and explore the space and the movement that can be created within the space.

I decided to choose the location, 2nd floor north corridor. I chose this space for a few reasons. One reason I chose it is because of how busy the location always is. Between students constantly rotating between classes, the hallway is always busy. Another reason I picked the space was because of all of the different activities that go on in the space. I always walk by and see multiple people doing all different things. Whether students are studying for the next class they have coming up, trying to get a snack in between classes or just buried into their phone waiting for the class to start. Lastly, I like the space because of the different dimensions it holds. The three indented window areas are both rough and soft. The three large windows are divided into 12 smaller sized windows. The division between each created a four dimensional picture. Attached to the window though, is a smooth bench, where people are always found sitting or laying down.

The movement I had the dancers perform was the exploration of dancing in a tight space. I had them sliding down the walls and moving from one side to the next with as much movement as they could. Although the space in tiny, there are many different ways it can be explored. This reflects on how the area is used for many different activities. I had the vision of them leaving and entering the space as well, which is why I wanted the whole hallway view and then they appear from the indented location. This shows that the wall is not flat and that the seating are exists deeper into the wall.

The music, I picked, "Ghost Dance" found on music is suspenseful yet soothing at points. I also picked this because of the different activities I see happening in the location. The calmness of the relaxation in the space and the powerful effects of the deep studying people do.

The creation of the project all happened so fast. We were only given three short class periods to pick a location, record, edit and type up a description of our location. I feel like choosing a space was not so hard because it is a popular space that i am always using. The film making was relatively easy because I wanted simplicity, yet exploration. The dancers, Molly Stanton and Olivia Mescher were cooperative within the process and were also able to relate to the location. Due to the popularity of the space they were able to give off ideas about how to move consistently throughout.

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